The UBK Happy Funtime Hour

- Dealing with Musicians who Overplay

- Taking Gear Out of the Rack... and Into Your Bed

- Neve vs. ART Preamps

- How to Raise Your Rates, and by How Much

- Investing in a Room You Won't Be in Forever

- When Mixing Becomes a Battle

and much, much more! 

Direct download: Ep202320f2.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 2:07pm PDT

- Getting Stereo Depth from Mono Sources

- Tracking Vocals with Compression

- Getting Space in Modern Metal

- Proximity Effect: Friend or Foe?

- Killer Results with Random Mic Placement

- Crosstalk: When Does it Matter?

- Clariphonic YES, Bassophonic NO...?

- Samples vs the Real Deal

- Expensive Mics: Worth It?

...and much more!

Direct download: Ep_21_-_Do_Stuff.mp3
Category:Music -- posted at: 1:37am PDT